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Tom Leeb

Tom Leeb @ LE CHINA

The What : A F.*!.. Great Concert !

The When : December 17th 2015

The Who : The Awesome Handsome Tom Leeb #tomleeb / Tom’s insta

The Where : LE CHINA (lechina.eu) / 50, rue de charenton Paris 12e / @lechinaclub


A rising star that still has his humility gauge high, Tom Leeb is not only a French actor and comedian, he is also an evil of a great Pop/Folk singer !

He gave me the opportunity to shoot his concert last month and damn what an experience it was !

A small concert bar, a cosy mood, one guitar, one cello and a hell of voice and charisma ? the recipe for a great night !

The guy went to New York Arts School to perfect his (natural) skills and came back to charm France, and for that, we thank you New York !

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