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The What : THE Cameleone Night First Edition ! Indie Rock + Photography Exhibition

The When : February 26th 2016

The Who : Central Express + Mad Kick + The Wealthy Hobos for the sound and Ligia Francisco + me for the photos !

The Where : LE BUZZ (Belleville)/ 106 Boulevard de Belleville, 75020 Paris

The beer was good, the vibes were great and the mood was…up to no good ! It was rather up to SEX and Rock n’roll ! Up to you for the drugs, I’m not judgemental…

Organised by the sweetest girls ever (and one guy, who’s even sweeter actually), who turn themselves into Rock n’roll maniacs and furies during the show, they managed to assemble a team of 3 rock bands with real genuine rock attitude.

Electric but not electronic,
rough and tough,
some real good pre-sex Rock n’ Roll
(or after sex, or during sex, or no sex, or I can’t finish that phrase
fuck, I really should finish that phrase)!

The 3 sets were between 6 and 8 tracks each, so YES ! for 5 euros (yeah, not a typo, it IS really ONLY F-I-V-E EUROS) the deal is really cool !

The concert is actually worth much more « yeah, like 6 euros dumbass ! » was something you could have heard during the show… told you, Rock was in the air…

Want to get your ass seriously kicked ?


For more infos : https://www.facebook.com/cameleonculture



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Tom Leeb @ LE CHINA

The What : A F.*!.. Great Concert !

The When : December 17th 2015

The Who : The Awesome Handsome Tom Leeb #tomleeb / Tom’s insta

The Where : LE CHINA (lechina.eu) / 50, rue de charenton Paris 12e / @lechinaclub


A rising star that still has his humility gauge high, Tom Leeb is not only a French actor and comedian, he is also an evil of a great Pop/Folk singer !

He gave me the opportunity to shoot his concert last month and damn what an experience it was !

A small concert bar, a cosy mood, one guitar, one cello and a hell of voice and charisma ? the recipe for a great night !

The guy went to New York Arts School to perfect his (natural) skills and came back to charm France, and for that, we thank you New York !

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Drifting sky

What if water and the sky just had enough and left us to go to another planet with much worthiest people ? We’d surely try to retain it but with such silly toys that it would just reinforce their feelings that they definitely have to leave that dumb inhabitants planet…

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