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artistes experiences art fair ParisThe What : Experiences Art Fair #exartfair

The When : Sat. Nov 28th 2015 until Sun. Dec. 6th 2015

The Who : We Walls / Rudy Cohen

The Where : 12 place Jacques Bonsergent 75010 PARIS (in an old factory)

Run ! Fly ! Jump ! Get even beamed up by Scotty if you want !

However you want it, JUST GO ! An exhibition that will make you feel like « hmmm…am I in NYC or what ».

The excitement we had is so huge that no matter what words I’m writing it will not give it enough credit.

Been there with my 6 years old daughter and frankly didnt know what to expect, would it be a poch unreachable artist curator attitude ? Would it be another small depressing no grandeur exhibition ?

Well, lets just quote Athena : « Dad, I feel like I’m walking in a dream ! » and definitely it sums up the wide variety of pieces we had the chance to explore, a lot of interactive pieces, cleverly « understandable » pieces of art that will make you feel that YES ! Contemporary art IS something you can understand !

Check these out for instance :

Wooden Darth Vader

Reminds you of someone ?


And yes you can meet the artists who can explain their pieces if need be.

Thanks to the hard work of Rudy Cohen (the guy behind, in front and on top of WE WALLS instagram here), these artists have some great pieces and installation exposed and YES ! It is in Paris (and lets not forget to mention….FOR FREE !………ps: FIAC what you said ?…….)

On Sunday Dec 6th an auction will be held, so be sure to be there… can’t wait to attend the next #expartfair

So what ??? You’re not there yet !???