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« Photo as painting« 

Kay Brixi is a photographer who, just as a painter would, use the colors of the urban life as his pallet, he aims to reveal the city through a colourful and oniric vision.

His approach is quite surrealistic and into contemplation. His work material : a colorful daily life filled with onirism.

His work reflects the desire to retain the emotions as he believes more in the strength of the feelings that remain rather than what we call souvenirs. For him, souvenirs tend to fade when emotions are deeply engraved in our mind.

Often confused with paintings, his photographies come from an aesthetic approach that tends to describe a reality almost fantasized.


The human is at the center of his work, he aims to compose his photos as paintings…

The movement, represented mainly by the kinetic blur, is an important part of his work as well. He has found in it a new process to represent life through the most simplest shapes.

At the end, all of these processes allow his photographies to have a painting strength, both humanist and abstract.
